Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sometimes it is hot...

I know you EP folks will say we're crazy. But seriously...this is not normal, nor acceptable weather here:

So welcome to Portland Mari and Gabe...apparently this can happen in September, when it is pretty much fall.

Sometimes people astound you....

And not in a good way. The gullibility of people seems to have no end. The lack of any sort of skepticism or critical thought. It astounds me. People fumble through life without looking into things, asking questions, wondering if, how, or why something might be correct.

And of course social media brings it out of people and shows the world just how gullible they are. Here are just a few grotesque examples of gullibility just from this morning's feed:

Um what? October? We're in September. And Oct 2013 does not have 5 Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. So how credible is the rest of it and what connection could it possibly have with Chinese Feng Shui?! No money? How so? 11 minutes?! SERIOUSLY people?! 

It seriously blows my mind that the next though that follows is not "So when people die, it is directly his fault. He's apparently in charge of handing out 'days' to people. So when you don't get one, that must be him." How does that not compute?

What in the world is this guy blathering about? Spirit of excellence? Honor? What is this? Some medieval conquest involving wizards?! Do these people live in the same reality we do? does this not sound like a total load of bs to people?  

How did that miracle go? We should have almost half a million miracles by now since god apparently uses facebook shares as a method for handing out miracles and curses. Also, all should have gone wrong for the rest of us that ignored it, which includes me. Still waiting....

This is people apparently. It's embarrassing that even the most basic form of skepticism is not applied to the barrage of bs thrown at you on a daily basis. I don't even know what the thought process that would lead to accepting, agreeing with, and reposting all this bs would even be like. Because I mean, come on. Belief in deities aside, even if you believe in some sort of god(s), why in the world would they use social media for handing out miracles and money and condemning people?! Seriously....

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sometimes you find eggs...

Although technically Sophie found them. But here are some spider eggs:

They look as gnarly as I would expect them to! And like something out of a sci-fi film! 
 In such a nice place too, they were here:

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sometimes you find some bugs...

Sophie found this one too. She loves exploring the yard and is not afraid of or grossed out by bugs at all. She's curious, and investigative, which I love. This is one she brought me, to ask what it was. I have no idea. It looks like a trilobite or something from eons ago to me!

Love the camouflage too! 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sometimes squirrels are bad...

I like them normally. But it seems I will need to keep a closer eye on them...

No matter how cute they are...

They have been doing this!

Digging in my newly planter garden! And then they see me, and make this face:

Like I didn't just see it digging up our radishes! haha

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sometimes you shoot a dragonfly....

Just not with a gun. These pics are like a month old, but hey, no time to process them with all the stuff that needs doing around the house. But here they are:

None of these are with a macro adapter or anything.We were just walking somewhere and saw it, and I used the 17-50mm Tamron, our "walk around" lens.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sometimes you move a mighty oak tree...

Only, this one is not mighty just yet...I found what I am pretty sure is a baby oak tree growing right in front of our porch. So if I let it keep growing there, it will eventually block our living room window. So I moved it further out on the yard. 

The root was pretty long for such a little plant, so there was more digging than I expected since I wanted to be extra careful in order to maximize its chances of survival.

But now it is safely planted in its new home. And it's been about a week since the transplant and it is not showing any signs of dying, so I hope it keeps on growing.