Monday, December 19, 2011

Sometimes you are excited...

...because your brother is coming in tomorrow!!! Haven't seen him in over a year! He comes in tomorrow afternoon! w000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t!!!!!!!!

Paco ftw!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sometimes your weekend is over...

...and it sucks. It flew by. Had fun though. And now, Tuesday!! Paco gets here! w00t!!

And my blog has been looking plain lately, so here is a pic of the Atomium in Brussels, Belgium!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sometimes it is Geli's birthday...

...and so I/we will bake her a cake tomorrow :) And spend the day with her in Juarez. Today we went to a show, then to a taco stand(vegan tofu tacos ftw!), and to a SoundOnSound show. Also to village inn(fries w/tabasco ftw!). Now, to sleep!

Also, here is what a pomelo looks like on the inside:

It was delicious! It tasted like a grapefruit, but way less bitter/sour, more mild and sweet.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sometimes you watch a movie...

...the terminal. Also had coffee and played lots of Uno,. Not a good combination when you work in about 5 hours....

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sometimes you put up a tree..

...a gift day tree. And surprisingly, you like it. I thought I would never want a tree in our house. But Sophie had been asking to put up the tree, so we finally did. And I liked putting it up with her. So yeah, I might be cool with having a tree. Lots of time till we have a house though, so I guess that will have to wait.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sometimes you lose your USB drive... the house. It should be somewhere, but I don't know where it is. I thought I left it attached to the new computer. Apparently not. I had some pics I was gonna post here and talk about, so instead, here you go:

Dusk at our old apartment in Colchester...kinda miss it sometimes.

Also, here is corn flakes:


At least that is what I named this rooster at the Mistley Animal Sanctuary(in the UK). Doesn't he remind you of the corn flakes rooster?

Sometimes you have fun....

...and it is awesome :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sometimes you go to jazz night... the tap. And it is awesome. They even played Radiohead for you, kind of. We made Chris go ask them. But they played it. Fun night. And now, not enough sleep...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sometimes you process gig photos...

...and you are happy with the result. That little f/1.8 lens was worth every penny. For being the first time I try shooting a live band, I think they came out alright. These are all pics of SoundOnSound playing at the Low Brow.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sometimes you are sick...

...but I knew I would get sick. Everyone around me was sick, so it was only a matter of time till my body succumbed. I feel the usual cold symptoms, so yeah, it is only a matter of time till I feel better too. It was great that I didn't work today. I rested and slept during the day too. Then we ate, watched Benjamin Button, and now time to sleep again. Work again tomorrow...

Sometimes you go to a show...

...and it is awesome. Although  you almost die on the way there, and back. What the heck is u p with the snow?!?!?!?!

We saw SoundOnSound(Pablo's band), and they were awesome! Then a country band from houston played, and then another local band.

Also, I don't work tomorrow! w00t!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sometimes you almost do almost nothing...

...and it feels weird. I did do some stuff, but it still feels like I didn't do as much as we usually do on our hectic Sundays.

  • I worked till 4pm.
  • Played some weird cranium game with Mari and Geli. 
  • Played some Dead Nation
  • Watched American Beauty

I didn't:

  • go to food not bombs :( 
  • Leave the house
  • See my parents
  • Go to Geli's abelito's house.

So yeah, an odd Sunday.

Sometimes you play Risk...

...and it is fun. The Lord of the Rings version. I had never played it before. And it was a lot of prepping, and reading. Not a simple game! lol I played with Baudy. It was cool, but I bet you we were not following all the rules correctly, there are tons!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sometimes you go to a party....

...and it is cool. Although some people might differ on that. Yeah...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sometimes you buy a fisheye...

...and you can't wait to get it!! I mean a lens of course. This one will be awesome, and totally unexpected purchase. Geli and I were gonna gift ourselves a zoom lens for gift day. So she was looking around for it. And in the process found a wide angle fish eye lens at a decent price!

We had a wide angle on our lens wish list, but the sigma 10-20mm wide angle lens is almost twice as much as this one, so it was on our "to get much later" list. This one is cheap because it is a prime lens(no zoom) and everything is manual, which some people would hate; but we're willing to deal with manual focus and aperture to save half the price on it(and get it sooner!). I can't wait until it gets here! w00t! Then, I will post tons of pics at 8mm!