Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sometimes you buy a fisheye...

...and you can't wait to get it!! I mean a lens of course. This one will be awesome, and totally unexpected purchase. Geli and I were gonna gift ourselves a zoom lens for gift day. So she was looking around for it. And in the process found a wide angle fish eye lens at a decent price!

We had a wide angle on our lens wish list, but the sigma 10-20mm wide angle lens is almost twice as much as this one, so it was on our "to get much later" list. This one is cheap because it is a prime lens(no zoom) and everything is manual, which some people would hate; but we're willing to deal with manual focus and aperture to save half the price on it(and get it sooner!). I can't wait until it gets here! w00t! Then, I will post tons of pics at 8mm!

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