Friday, February 10, 2012

Sometimes you draw a place...

Day 4: Favorite place

Under the stars. What can I say? I love it there....

Click to see full size...

Can't wait to go to another dark site again...and look up

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”  - Carl Sagan, Cosmos

BONUS: Find the constellations in the drawing! 


  1. I love that quote and great drawing :)

  2. Daaaaaamn, good job! And yes, that quote is awesome.

  3. I'm going to steal this quote :P, awesome drawing btw.

  4. Wow, you actually drew the constellations lol. I see Orion, Pleiades, Cassiopeia, and there's something in the left that I can't make out. And the Milky Way of course lol

    1. On the left is Cancer! With the cluster in the middle! M44 I think. And yes, also Jupiter above the mountain on the right and andromeda above Cassiopeia!
