Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sometimes you go to El Paso...

Not yet, but all is ready to head to El Paso tomorrow! Short work week! And seeing Sophie, Mari, Gabe, Sergio, Baudy, and family again! w00t!

That is all for now. Now, for the album of the night that Geli should be picking shortly.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sometimes you get the Led out....

I  hadn't heard a full Led Zeppelin album in years probably. I have no idea why I waited so long...Geli and I are trying to do this thing where we listen to a ful album before bed. One day she picks it, the next day, I do. Today I picked Led Zeppelin I, and let me tell you, it impressed me all over again. I can't even imagine what this awesomeness exploding on the world in 1969 must have been like. I could be wrong, but I don't think there was anything so hard hitting and hard rocking back then. So groovy, so jammy, so damn good!

Give it a listen when you get a chance. Better yet, make a will be glad you did. I know what my next album will be.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sometimes you stay in...

We were gonna go to the movies today, but we decided to go tomorrow morning instead. We instead printed some pics at a local photo place, got some supplies we were missing, and made some coasters out of bathroom tiles, our pictures, glue that is also gloss, clear coat sealant, and spray paint. They are coming out awesome!

More pics coming, but here is a preview of how they are coming out:

We are done, just waiting for them to finish drying. Should be completely dry by tomorrow night I think.

Oh yeah, we're pretty weird too. We also decided to cook tomorrow's dinner, tonight. So we were cooking green mole at midnight....

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sometimes you go to a farmer's market...

I had missed farmer's markets. We used to go to one every week during the non-winter months in Milwaukee It was really cool, local farmers, selling their produce directly to you. We found out about one here in Portland at the People's Co-op that is there every wednesday afternoon, so we finally went yesterday. It was pretty cool. Similar thing, with farmers, bakers, and other local merchants selling their stuff there.

We didn't need that much stuff, so we just got some blueberries, kale, potatoes, and spinach from the market.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sometimes you go get measured...

For a tux. We biked to the mall today.  It is a little under 4 miles by bike. We didn't do much at the mall other than go get measured for the tux to pick it up in El Paso on the 9th. We will most likely be back to the mall this friday to watch  a movie.

Geli also made some amazing dinner! Breaded tempeh "wings", breaded cauliflower, carrots and celery with some vegan ranch AND fries! w00t! :D It was beyond delicious!