Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sometimes you stay in...

We were gonna go to the movies today, but we decided to go tomorrow morning instead. We instead printed some pics at a local photo place, got some supplies we were missing, and made some coasters out of bathroom tiles, our pictures, glue that is also gloss, clear coat sealant, and spray paint. They are coming out awesome!

More pics coming, but here is a preview of how they are coming out:

We are done, just waiting for them to finish drying. Should be completely dry by tomorrow night I think.

Oh yeah, we're pretty weird too. We also decided to cook tomorrow's dinner, tonight. So we were cooking green mole at midnight....


  1. if by weird, you mean awesome, then yes, we are very weird! :P

  2. You are indeed pretty weird, no arguing there. Nice coasters, I will be expecting one in the next 3 to 365 days, haha
