Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sometimes you want some champurrado...

...even though you always rejected it as a kid. I remember the adults would always have it, and there was always a cart selling it outside of my school in Juarez. I never wanted any. It looked gross. I don't even know what it will taste like. But I really want some now. Not all of it is vegan, so I will need to make some this "winter". I am looking forward to it.

This is because at the occupation today, the Red Fronteriza de Derechos Humanos marched to the Plaza and joined us there. And there was champurrado and pan de muerto for everyone there. I didn't have any, but I wanted some. So I will veganize this and have some soon!


  1. it sounds gross to tell you the truth, corn masa in a drink.....yeah....

  2. Yes, it sounds and looks gross...but I've never had any

  3. Let's make some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
