Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sometimes you put up a tree..

...a gift day tree. And surprisingly, you like it. I thought I would never want a tree in our house. But Sophie had been asking to put up the tree, so we finally did. And I liked putting it up with her. So yeah, I might be cool with having a tree. Lots of time till we have a house though, so I guess that will have to wait.


  1. lol, what kids (or family for that matter) can make one do :P, I don't like to do these kind of things in my house, but I think I would feel weird if I didn't see them, lol, though, I must admit that I like this season, I love to cook in "Christmas eve" with my mom and spent some time with family and friends and just have a good time.
    I think this song expresses how I feel :P

  2. love that tim minchin song :) and yeah, im neutral about trees, i just think they are totally unnecessary and totally against the minimalist view of things...but then again i dont mind putting them up
