Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sometimes you go see Tool...

...and while the concert was amazing, I can't help but have some issues with the band. I think $62.50 for a ticket is excessive(call me cheap if you want). I don't see why they have to charge so much. But that is one of the lesser issues. T-shirts inside for $40!!! Shirts I am sure were made in Honduras, Pakistan, China, or some other place where the workers were exploited so they can turn around and make a killing off their loyal fans? They make thousands of shirts, which I am sure brings their production cost per shirt to well under $5. To sell them for $40 is the very definition of greed and abuse. When you get down to it, their fans are the only reason they have jobs to begin with. I already felt ripped off paying $60+ for a ticket, no new songs either(I didn't buy a shirt, but it still bothers me to see that kind of greed).

This was the setlist:
  1.     Hooker With a Penis
  2.     Jambi
  3.     Stinkfist
  4.     Ticks & Leeches
  5.     Pushit
  6.     Schism (new intro)
  7.     Intension
  8.     Forty-Six & 2
  9.     Lateralus  (with Danny Walker)
  10.     Ænema

(they played 11 songs at previous shows, we didn't get to see "The Pot")

Also, I do have a complaint as far as the performance. I have seen Maynard perform with Puscifer a couple times since the last tool concert I saw, and he really seemed to put much more effort, energy, and passion into those performances. At last night's concert in Albuquerque, the long powerful extended notes were cut off abruptly...they add so much power and emotion to the song, I couldn't help but notice that. If he is not into it, don't tour. If he is rusty on the Tool songs, practice more before charging $60+ dollars for a performance. If he can't vocally do it anymore, then perhaps they shouldn't be so pretentious and greedy...they could totally do this for much less money, and perform better as well. They all got side projects and other sources of income, they do not need this.  And to be totally honest, neither do we(the fans). Would we like to go see Tool? Of course, that is why we all go. That is why they sell out so quickly. But I think it only fair that they do their part as professionally as possible, and skimping on vocal parts is not what I would consider professional behavior.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the concert. That doesn't mean I have to smile and nod at everything do, or excuse their every action.


  1. I ended up paying $75 (including all fees) for a floor seat (seats on the floor? seriously?!) that didn't actually exist. The row ended at seat 18 and my friend and I has tickets for 19 & 20. All in all, I was thoroughly disappointed.

  2. Damn, that sucks (about the overpriced tickets and t-shirts, and the not so good performance), well, at least you enjoyed the concert :)
