Friday, June 29, 2012

Sometimes you find a bike trailer...

Geli found one exactly like the one we had for Sophie in Milwaukee on Cragislist here. So I immediately emailed, and we got a quick reply. Luckily he was only about a mile from where we live, so we made arrangements to look at it after I got out of work. We really really liked that kind of trailer for several reasons:

1) For just 1 kid. Most trailers seat 2, which makes them wider. While that gives sophie a little extra room, it makes it way wider, and heavier. And when biking amongst city traffic, the smaller, the better.

2) Very well built. We had bought a 2-seater one from Wal-Mart(I know!) when we first got to Milwaukee. And it was pretty crappy, and huge. So with this Burley Solo trailer, we can feel the difference, bigtime.

3) Made in USA. Nothing patriotic about it, that is the last reason I would do that. But sadly, working conditions in the US are better than they would be in Asia...

It was posted for $250, and while that sounds like a lot, the cheap ones are And the Burley trailer actually sells for almost $500 new. And I offered the guy $200 and he accepted. I hooked it up to my bike, and off to radioshack we went(to return a router we bought that wasn't working properly, but I forgot the receipt, so it was useless lol). All in all, I thoroughly love getting around on bike. I feel free. I love the wind in my face. I love getting a workout in a functional way. I love getting around waaaay faster than walking or the bus, and yet not having to worry about all the expenses of a car. And last but not least, it is one less car on the road, less gasoline burned. Total win.... pending. I promise when we get the camera, one post will be all the pictures that should have been included in all these posts!


  1. I didn't know what a bike trailer was so I had to google it, now I want to see the one you bought, lol.

  2. yeah, i love that bike trailer, it's a burley solo

  3. If you are looking for a sturdy Enclosed Motorcycle Trailer, an Motorcycle Trailer or a Single Motorcycle Trailer, Tramp Trailers has exactly what you're looking for visit at here Motorcycle Trailers

  4. Awww... I remember that bike trailer... it gave you quite the workout lol.

  5. Yeah, it does :) But I like that!
