Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sometimes you break the restroom...

When we moved in, we knew some work would need to be done to the bathroom. This is what we started with:

And you can't really tell in the pictures, but towards the toilet, the floor was uneven. It was pretty bad, like  huge bump, and then an incline down towards the wall. I just thought it was uneven. I had no idea that it would be rotten swollen wood....

We knew there was some moisture issues in the bathroom. But nothing of the scale that we found...We pulled out the vinyl to check what we were dealing with, and it was pretty bad. Completely soft wood that was water damaged and crumbed to the touch. So we started removing some of it. And this is what we got now:

So yeah, we need to fix this quickly. Hopefully by this weekend. I foresee a trip to a home improvement store and lots of work this week! haha

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