Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sometimes you go plum picking...

In your front yard! I had seen squirrels feasting on the plums, and it was cute. Although they are wasteful eaters haha They would eat like half, then throw it! I thought they weren't ripe yet, cuz well, they're green.

Then I was out gardening, saw one fell from the tree, no squirrel around to throw it. Checked it out, tasted it, and it was damn good. So we went plum picking! First day it was kinda dark, so we just got a bowl of pums. Next day we got Sophie's sand bucket full of plums. So we made a plum pie. It still baffles me that food just grows on trees and out of the ground. I don't know why that seems so crazy to me...

So with such a surplus of plums, we made a pie. Sophie had been wanting a pie for a long time. So we made one out of plums :)

It's not a looker, but it was yummy :D And we have been eating plums like crazy since haha

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