Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Sometimes you build spaceships out of wood...

We went to a holiday "geek" fair a few weeks ago, and after wanting to buy pretty much everything, Geli got me these super cool Star Wars wooden models to build. They're super simple, but it was really neat to see something that is usually made of metal, or plastic, made with wood. They looked cool and it was lots of fun building them too. Sophie got a wand, and some stickers for her laptop. It was pretty much a craft fair, but for things "geek".

It was really cool, so I hope they do it again next year. There were lots of booths, making all sorts of things. Clothes, wallets, swords, shirts, collectibles, pixel art, paintings, lamps, you name it. The lady that made these Star Wars models, also made a TARDIS! So here are the models I am talking about: 

We got these like 3 weeks ago, and I barely finished building them. Not because they were complicated, but because time. There's never enough, I swear. The first one I built was the Imperial Shuttle: 

Then I built the TIE Fighter. I actually painted the inside of the wings myself with sharpie, because these are all 1-sided and I thought it would look much better that way. I was right haha

Then I did the AT-AT, or as Sophie calls it, the metal dog: 

And I saved the X-Wing, a personal favorite, for last: 

Though, in these models specifically, I probably like the AT-AT best. Or the TIE fighter. Probably the AT-AT. Though I really like the contrast in the TIE fighter. 

All in all, they were super easy to build. Some required a little persuasion to fit through means of sanding the parts a little bit. And others required glue to stay together firmly, which to me is totally expected in these kind of crafts that aren't mass produced and are made of something as naturally varying as wood. I enjoyed putting them together and will have them on my desk now :) In case you wanted some, here is the seller's page


  1. Damn dude these are awesome! Hard to decide but Imid pick the x wig as my fav too! :) sick dude

  2. These are super cool! I'm totally gonna look into them! the TIE fighter looks super cool!
