Thursday, April 21, 2011


I figured I should join the video game talk.... except I haven't played games recently. That doesn't make Pikmin any less cool though! Geli suggested I play it, many months ago, when I was looking for a new game to play and had no new ones, so i was looking through her GameCube games that I had never played.

Okay, so I didn't take this, or make this, but isn't it awesome?!

I would be so sad to have to eat this!! Okay, maybe not sad, but I would take a lot of pictures of it!

So I gave it a try, and I really really liked it! I passed the whole getting $10,000, but now I am trying to get ALL the treasure. I am like at 170/201 or something like that. Any of you finish Pikmin 2 for GC? I am rather picky with games, and especially now that I don't have a lot of time to play, can't even fathom getting into a demanding game. So this was a nice compromise between not too difficult, yet engaging and entertaining.

P.S. @Sergio, Bomberman blasted or whatever was kinda crappy lol or maybe we just don't get bomberman. And the computers are impossible!


  1. I never finished Pikmin 2, only the first one :S.

    lol, too bad about Bomberman, I really liked it, I had lots of fun with it, so I guess it's not for everybody, haha

  2. :/ i wouldn't have the heart to eat that... then again, and according to my friends, i don't have a heart :P

  3. I never did finish it, but it was so awesome/cute!! You guys should pass World of Goo! Or did you guys ever finish it?

  4. we did pass world of goo, and if you know of any games like that one, let us know!

    and yes, pikmin is cool! :)
