Thursday, April 14, 2011

Simple things...

I like taking pictures. Very much. Who knew? I didn't even think about owning a camera before I met Geli haha it just wasn't something I cared for. And now? I can't stop thinking about how and when we will get the 50mm portrait lens. The only reasonably priced lense on our wish list. It is about $120. All the others are way more than that. The 55-250mm zoom lens is about $250. The 10mm wide angle lens is $480. So is not a cheap hobby.

Sophie's toys...

Anyway, at lunch today, (which was 9am Milwaukee time, 3pm here in Colchester) we went shopping for organic spinach to the grocery store a little further out(Tesco's). The one near us never has organic spinach. We like the organic one. I thoroughly enjoy going out for lunch with Geli and Sophie. To anywhere. Castle park, grocery shopping, to pay the rent, whatever. It breaks my day in half and snaps me out of work mode. Makes my day way much more pleasant. We also got some avocado's from the rude lady across from Tesco's and Sophie was happy about that(the avocados, not the rude lady). Here is the evidence of that:

After work, Sophie demanded that we go out for a walk. So I took her, while Geli studied. She literally just wanted to be out, which is odd. She usually has a purpose for wanting to leave the house(to see the squirrels usually). So we headed towards the co-op grocery store. I did not expect it to be open, but it was. So we went in, and I just had to get the vegan custard donuts they have there! Couldn't resist. Also got some organic basked beans that were on clearance. And on the way out, Sophie wanted a rubber ball from those machines, not sure what they are called. We never get her any, so I did this time.

She really liked the ball, and the walk with her was a pleasant one :) Nice day...


  1. You take very cool pics, cool, cool. Like how Sophie sticks out her tongue hahaha :P

  2. Yeah, I agree with Sergio.. you take awesome pics! Aww, that sounds like a pretty good day! :) I miss walking everywhere!

  3. awe :) but seriously, how come the lens that i want the most(10mm) is so expensive?! We already have 50mm in our range, I really don't get why we would need that in all seriousness...

  4. Geli!!! You do a post on aperture, and not see the point of a giant f-stop compared to the f/3.5 we have right now? The portrait lens has a max aperture of f/1.8. That is massive compared to the max f/3.5 we have at the moment. Fanstatic for low light, since it can open up more.

  5. @Sergio - Thanks! Glad you like them! And yeah, she's cute ha
    @Mari - Thanks Mari! Yeah, walking places is cool :) we like it

  6. I did not know about the huge aperture!! it makes sense now :)
