Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sometimes you complete your living room...

On the same day, the area rug, TV, and futon arrived. Turns out we needed a screw driver to setup both the TV and the futon...we didn't have one! So I biked to a hardware store nearby to get one, and then to the library to print the tickets for tomorrow's comedy show and the rebate for the TV. Biked home, assembled them with Geli, arranged them, and with the existing TV stand, coffee table, and Celestron Astromaster 130EQ, our living room is complete.

[picture coming soon - imagine living room here]

Also, there are few places where I feel as out of place as I do at a hardware store. I feel so lost. I never know where anything is or what most things are even for! The sales people could make something up about what that device is used for, and I would believe them....

The TV looks amazing too! We tested it out with the PS3 and Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland Blu-ray. Didn't watch the whole thing, just wanted to watch the awesome colorful scenes to test out the TV.

Paco is also coming over tonight! We're going to a comedy show tomorrow :D and he's staying until friday night, so totally looking forward to that. I also got Friday off from work and the camera comes in tomorrow! So you could say that this will be an epic week!!

Biking update: The bike has been good now. No flats and I also did get up to go biking early today for about 30 minutes before work. Got up at 6:15am in case you were wondering...


  1. Wow, getting up at 6am...that's hardcore

  2. it is indeed an addiction! but a healthy one(:

  3. yeah, our living room finally looks like one!

  4. Que padre que ya tienen todo lo que necesitan en su sala...A disfrutar se ha dicho...:)
