Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sometimes you take photos of people...

And it goes surprisingly well...I was summoned by Paco to take some pictures of his band Says the Snake. And since I have been here in Tacoma since Monday night, we finally got everyone together and went out to take the pictures. I was nervous, and didn't know if I was gonna be able to do that. I hate talking to people, and I didn't really know half the band. So there was a chance that my social awkwardness, fear of talking to strangers, and inexperience shooting with people could have ruined the attempts. But after a few minutes of awkwardness and shyness on my behalf, things warmed up and went very well.

Here are some of my favorite pics from the shoot:

Geli helped me, but since I was the one taking the pictures, it felt a bit weird at first, like if I had an assistant. We ended up taking over 400 pics in about 2 hours or so! Then we went home, then out to eat some mexican food that was pretty awesome, and then went home to process the pics. It took about 5 hours to process all the pics. So about 7 hours of work overall. Paco said some other bands might want me to do this for them, so if I end up doing this for someone else, I would have to charge because it is a lot of work. I was thinking I could start for around $150 for a similar session, which if that works out, would be totally awesome. Lens money!!! 

Tonight,  they have a show, which I am totally excited and nervous about for many reasons. I have not seen Paco play since Scenic Drive days! I actually really like this band he's in, and they asked me to take pics and video of them at the show. So I am excited to see him play, but nervous because I don't know what to expect. Since I shoot without flash, I will be at the mercy of the venue's lighting.I mean, if it is really dim and bad, I will be forced to use flash, but I rather not. Also, I have never taken video of a band either, and they are hoping to use some of the footage for a video, so yeah...we'll see how that goes!


  1. Ya considerate todo un profecional, las fotos te quedaron padrisimas,tomaste sus mejores angulos y los paisajes y el enfoque de las fotos, perfecta!!!
    Estoy segura que quedaron encantados y agradecidos contigo y gely... :)

  2. Me encantan estas fotos, que buen trabajo. Me encanta tambien que mis hijos esten cerca uno del otro. Los quiero mucho.
