Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sometimes monitors don't agree...

...and it is puzzling. I had noticed this on my work laptop and the monitor I had in Colchester. The Dell external monitor looked ok, but it made my work laptop seem dull, flat, hazy. So I always processed the pictures on the external monitor. I didn't think much of it, they just looked better there. I just thought the laptop display was weak, it is a lenovo work laptop, nothing fancy.

But today, we figured we would try to process the pics we have taken so far since we got here. I downloaded the updater software executables from canon, I even hacked the registry on Martha's laptop to install the software. And then, it started bothering me, that pictures looked different on different areas of the screen. So I hooked it up to Mari's HDTV, as an external monitor, and the difference was too much. Similar to the issue with my work laptop and the external monitor, but even more pronounced. The pics processed on the laptop screen, looked bad on the monitor, and yeah. I am at a loss. How can I know what the "standard" is? What monitor is the standard for how things should look? Until I figure that out, it will bug the hell out of me! Now, I don't even know if the way I see the pictures, is how everyone sees them!!! AHHH!!!!


  1. yeah, you cant control the monitors others use to see the photos...just worry about using a good monitor for the processing, which we should have pretty soon here :)

  2. Yeah, it sucks. some pics look so dark and weird here at the CS lab. :(
