Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sometimes you play futbol...

...while you occupy El Paso lol. Unexpected, but welcome. I got p0wned...but it was fun. Also, call me naive, but I thought the seleccion was going vegetarian(due to contaminated meat, not ethics), but yeah, here is the whole "ya no comemos carne" which doesn't mean that at all:

How are pollo and pescado not carne?! And really? protein? can't get it anywhere else? You know there is something wrong with the way you "grow" meat it if causes everyone that eats it to fail doping tests...sigh. Anyway, not even sure why I talk about this...


  1. I guess they mean 'carne' how in english they mean 'meat' which excludes poultry and fish...I still think it's stupid for them to say no carne but yes fish and chicken.

  2. nah, meat doesnt exclude chickens and fishes, meat just means flesh of an animal....obviously their nutritionist should get a refresher....

  3. Not just their nutritionist, but people in general. Cause there are places where most people will say meat or carne and not think about fish and chicken
