Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sometimes you can't get the part you need...

...for the tripod. So I have this really cool tripod that I can't use. Apparently, finding the quick release plate adapter for an old tripod is not easy at all :( I hope I can find it soon though!

Also, coffee!!! And not working is pretty cool. I think I want to do that full time...


  1. Oh, yeah, no work full time...that's the dream, haha. When do you start working, or what's going on?

  2. I start working again on Monday the 10th...

  3. yeah, not working full time does seem like the best career for me :P

  4. I agree, not working full time is awesome, or at least not be obligated :P, I love being able to work whenever I want if I want XD

  5. Oh man, have you given up on finding the part?

  6. No, I haven't. But there's no time to even think about that :(
