Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Sometimes you paint the house...

I know...another post about painting. It turns out, I do a lot of it. And I actually don't mind it, as far as actual work goes. I hate the prep part, of course. But the actual painting, I like. I love the transformation. So, we don't like spending money on things we can do ourselves, for the most part. It turns out that to hire people to paint your house exterior, it costs anywhere from $3k-$6k here in Portland. Sooooo, we thought we'd do it ourselves. Like every project, it's taken longer, and been way harder than we anticipated. We started in August of 2015. And this is one of those projects, where everyone is excited at first, but then as the work goes on, that excitement fades, and work piles up. Like, when we started, Mari, Geli, Sophie, were all helping, and by now, it's just me haha. But, we've hit a milestone. It's "pretty much done". And while I don't like  half done things, For such a large project, I consider this one a good place to be, considering it's taken us like over a year to get there.

So here's the house before:

And this is once we were getting going.

All these beams will eventually be white, right now it's half done haha

Those beams still need to eventually be all white. 

This side of the house was the hardest, mostly because it is soooo tall!

It was a tedious and tiring process because, the siding on our house has those grooves, which means you can't do it with just a roller. I have to paint the inside part and edges with a brush, and the rest with the roller.

And finally, this past weekend, finished the giant, super tall side (still need to paint the underside white, but that's a "detail" or so I've decide to make myself feel better haha).

That's all we can do for the season, since it's going to be raining until like May next year...or at least that's how it feels. Next year will just have to do the white trim and under the overhang or whatever that is called. But from the "street' it looks done, so it feels like a victory.


  1. It looks awesome!!! And yes! I can say I helped :P

  2. high five! cause it looks so much better :)

  3. Dude! nice! I hadn't seen how much you got done! I'm so happy! Good job man
