Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Sometimes you play Star Wars Commander...

So, I love this game. Been playing it for like 3 years. Which is a long time for any game, but especially a mobile game. It reminds me of warcraft. It is an online strategy game, most similar to something like Clash of Clans, but set in the Star Wars universe. You get to pick whether you want to fight for the rebellion or the empire, and each has their own kinds of units and what not. You build a base, join a squad, attack imperial bases in my case, and design your base in a way that deters imperial attacks. It's got a lot of ins a lot of outs, as the dude would say. My favorite part of it is war. Your squad picks 15 players to face off against 15 from another squad from an opposing faction. You each get 3 attacks, in which to capture planetary outposts to provide attack/defense boosts to your squad and to attack opponent bases to capture uplinks. It becomes like a board game, deep strategy, coordination, it's great. There's a website that tracks squad ranking and performance( We're currently at #71. We've been as high as #38, with about 24,000 registered squads.

We have a pretty solid war machine. We haven't lost since July 15th, this year.

War takes 24 hours, which gives everyone plenty of time to get their 3 attacks in (2 minutes to hit a base or retake a planetary outpost). We war 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It can get tense. You also get 24 hours prior to war start, to fill your defensive troop center, rearrange your war base, and scout enemy bases. We usually prepare a scouting report on a google shared sheet where we make notes of what the enemy looks like and start prepping strategy, calling targets, assigning people to planetary outposts, and then once war starts, tracking progress and intel.

We also communicate outside the game using LINE, which is a chat app. In the game, I am ParanoidAndroid. So you could say we take it seriously haha or not. We like winning. And it's fun.
Here's a super old video of a new unit, infiltrators, that I made to show some squad mates how to use them:

So, this is pretty much the only video game I play now. And I barely have enough time for it as is.

A strategy for taking down this imperial base. 

My base, as it is right now. Almost everything at max level. This is an ugly setup for PvP defense, but it works for Heroic Defense, which earns you crates, and I rather do that than earn medals. 

5.5 million credits on Tatooine. As Watto would say, "credits are no good out here". Can't do anything with them(everything that uses credits I've already upgraded to max level).

So yeah. That's the game I play.


  1. I didn't know what was going on in that video haha. Nonetheless, it looks like a game I would enjoy.

  2. That's the game you play ALL the time.. So of course you don't have time for any more.... 🙄

  3. WOW... I didn't know you were this deep in the game lol. I just remember you always playing from time to time but wow..

  4. I had no idea you were so into this. But that's awesome! Sean gets like that with his games too. ranking in the top ranks.. of all the players. Intense! fun!
