Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sometime you are in a British pop band...

...or someone with your name is! This was pointed out to me by a member of a vegan group on FB that Geli put me in. When I "joined" the group, a girl pointed out that I have the same name as a member of the pop group Starman. I had no idea what she was talking about, so I had to look it up, and this is what I found:

Well, I don't look like him, but there is no denying the similarity in the name. This is odd, I would never have thought there would be another Jesus Ruiz in the UK. Much less one that is apparently somewhat of a celebrity, even if a minor one. I would have linked to the music, but it said it was a "mix between pop and 80s electro" and well, that stopped me right there....


  1. Wow, that band sounds awful...maybe you'll receive a fanmail by mistake, haha.

  2. hahahah this is just hilarious!

  3. Pop with 80s electro? That sounds worse than polka rap :P

  4. ahh too funny XD
    you guys both have long hair too xD hahaha

  5. LOL, wow, seriously.. what are the odds?! lol.
