Friday, July 22, 2011

Sometimes your spanish fails you...

...and you assume a translation that was completely incorrect. Since I grew up talking spanish, this is what I knew a "sombrerito" to be in futbol:

So when I heard the term "Hat-Trick" in English, I assumed they meant a "sombrerito". But then I kept seeing that they counted how many "hat-tricks" people had, and when the last one was and so on. Which at first, I just thought it was weird, because, well, it is pretty, and embarrassing for the defender, but it doesn't really count for anything in itself. Then I was compelled to look it up when I read that thanks to Ronaldo's hat-trick, Real Madrid beat Chivas 3-0. I was like wth? How can 1 "sombrerito" mean a 3-0 win? So I wiki'd it, and I was waaaaay off. This is what it said a hat-trick is:

So one player scoring 3 times in one game is a "hat-trick"? That makes no sense to me! At all! What does a hat have to do with 3? Oh well, at least I know what a hat-trick is now, in English...


  1. LOL, I don't know much about football but I thought it should be the same :P, well, everyday you learn something new.

  2. Hahaha, funny. I did know what a hat-trick is, but it makes no sense at all.

  3. Hahaahha, that indeed in nonsense

  4. 3 corner hats.
    People used them a long time ago.

  5. 3 corner hats have something to do with hat trick?
