Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sometimes you take a walk... "lunch" and thoroughly enjoy it. My lunch for work is at 3pm here, so it's not exactly lunch time. But I had to go get rent money out of the ATM machine, and get some limes, avocados, and I also found some of those awesome honeydew melons, and got some crushed cashews. This is where I went:

A. House
B. Co-Op Grocery store and ATM
C. Produce market stand in the town centre

All while blasting some awesome music in my earphones...I enjoyed it. It works wonders for breaking up my day...


  1. Walks are awesome! Too bad over here in EP you can only do it after the sun is going down.

  2. Walks are indeed awesome...I wish this stupid city wasn't so insecure to walk more often...

  3. Yeah, i love walks too, but it's too hot to do it:P That's awesome Chuy!

  4. strange, you usually dont like walking... :P

  5. @Mari- Yeah, I don't miss EP's brutal sun!
    @Sergio - That does suck :(
    @Baudy- yes, it is, in EP
    @Geli - I do when I am not on a schedule. Biking is way more efficient. Mega fast. But walking, and by myself, allows me to listen to music, or just listen to the place. Both pleasant.
