Friday, September 9, 2011

Sometimes FB tells you to add yourself...

...and I totally didn't! haha


I made an account for work, because they had an initiative to have everyone on it, and I try not to mix the two, because well, much of what I say is not exactly work friendly....except no one uses it, so it just sits there. Which is fine...


  1. lol, is that why you changed your name to Chuy on FB?

  2. @Sergio - Na, I just changed it cuz it is just weird, to put Jesus there when no one that really knows me calls me that...

  3. LOL aww, you should've added yourself. :P

  4. :P good thing (and sad at the same time) that almost no one at my work knows English, so I can post my blasphemous/heretic thoughts in there :P
