Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sometimes you sign things in MS Paint...

..and it looks the same as your real signature. Apparently my handwriting is so bad, that I can sign things just as well with a mouse in MS paint.

That is exactly what my actual signature looks like! haha I had to sign some paperwork for the HR department, since I am being re-hired at work. And I didn't want to print, sign, and scan so I could send it back. So I decided to take screenshots of the documents, then "sign" them in paint, print to the CutePDF writer, and send them the PDFs...it worked. I also took a picture of a check(since we don't have a scanner), and wrote "VOID" on it in paint, since they needed a copy of a voided check for the direct deposit...so yeah, weird work around, but no paper was wasted and I didn't have to go to the library! w00t!

And I leave you with a black and white version of a picture I took in Bath. It was a mall....


  1. Nice, just from reading this I can say you're the most experienced Paint user I know, haha. Awesome mall shot :D

  2. LOL, that's awesome and the pic is amazing.

  3. What is a "MS Paint" and how do I use it? lol, just kidding, that photo looks cool, I don't know why but I love black and white photos :P
