Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sometimes you process RAW files...

...with Geli, and it is awesome :)

I know I keep talking about RAW files, but they really are awesome. Check out these before/after shots: 

Detail on a church in Bristol. You have a lot of control over the color temperature(warmer on the right).

This one was a disaster, as you can see on the left. I don't know what happened! haha but it's nothing RAW can't handle apparently!
So yeah, a few hours so far, and we're only done with Bristol(initially 500 pics, got it) down to under 300). Still need to do Bath, and the panoramics from the top of the cabot tower in Bristol....


  1. yup, processing pics is pretty awesome!

  2. Lol, sounds so time consuming though! And yeah, Chris is always talking about how awesome RAW files are.

  3. 500 pics??? Damn!!!!!! Good work though :)

  4. It's amazing how much technology can change something :P, back in the day if you screwed a photo that was it, now with a few clicks you can make magic :D
