Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sometimes problems are good...

So a couple days ago I had the "problem" of having to pick all my vacation days till the end of the year. I'll back up a little. I had been very disenchanted with work lately. They had turned me down for an opportunity on the engineering teams because they wanted someone onsite. So I had been pretty deflated. But since we're moving into a new house and that's a crazy  enough transition already, I was gonna stick around a bit longer. This year is the first year I have 5 weeks of vacation time. And I guess it hadn't registered just how much time off that is, because I hadn't taken it yet. I decided to put it all down on the calendar so later on I don't lose it because the days are closed due to everyone trying to get the same days off. And well, it felt very good. I am taking time off to be when Paco swings by here on tour with Says The Snake. I am taking time off to go spend with Sophie here at home then go meet Geli after her work in Beaverton. Time off when Gabe and Mari come. Time off for Sophie's first day of school, and 3 hrs each day after that until Mari and Gabe come so I can get her when she gets out at 2:15pm. Time off just because(Fridays and Mondays just to make the weeks feel shorter.) Check it out:

So yeah, it will be hard to let go of this vacation time. I might not. After all, I can work from home. I earn a good salary. So I might just stick around here...cuz this is pretty sweet.

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