Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sometimes you loop a song...

This past week I looped this song for like 2 days straight:

Things to notice about it:

1) What's wrong with the audience? They look bored our of their mind. Band doesn't care. (Granted this was before they probably knew who deep purple was, before smoke on the water and highway star).
2) progressive. Song builds up beautifully, explodes, comes back down, then up again. Just damn!
3) Holy crap, my respects to Ian Gillan on vocals. What a master of his craft, he sounds like if he was playing some sort of horn instrument, such control!
4) Love the organ. Jon Lord is a master as well.
5) I don't know why I have been on a 70's music binge lately. But wow, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple changed lineups sooooo much, it may as well be different bands lol. At some point, this singer(Ian Gillan) even sang for Black Sabbath!!!

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