Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sometimes you photograph explosions in the sky...

I really don't care much for the 4th of July. But a chance to photograph something new is something I never give up. So we went downtown to check out the fireworks. We thought we had a perfect spot for the downtown fireworks(it was really packed!):

I was all setup, with my finger on the remote and ready to go and them bam! We're in the wrong spot. Obscured by trees and on the wrong side of the bridge... Oh well, I had to think fast(and again, not much room to move). So I just pick up and move like 40 ft towards the water. Not the greatest view, but it worked, I guess:

The grand finale! 
It was fun. We all biked downtown(much better than driving, the traffic was horrific!). We biked back. It was a gorgeous night, beautiful weather. Sophie was not scared this time, and really enjoyed it. Next time, I want to get the fireworks with the skyline behind them. Let's see if we get it right next year.

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