Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sometimes you pick the colors....

So we finally decided on most of the color schemes for the house. We're still missing the kitchen one. But other than that, every wall, inside and outside is getting a coat of paint. Here is what we picked:

For the living room/dining room/hall: Gray walls / white trim 

For Sophie's room, we're doing one feature wall with a design that will use red, orange, purple, yellow, green, and blue. There will be an accent wall of blue, and 2 white walls:

For the exterior we're going with dark gray, white trim, green accents(door, porch furniture, patio furniture):

Our bedroom will be one accent wall bright green(w00t!), black walls, white trim. One of the walls will have tons of black and white pics on it too:

So there you go...we'll have plenty more pics coming as we tackle these projects. Probably more than you care to see haha. Also, paint is way more expensive than we anticipated. Way more....and we shouldn't be allowed to go into home depot.

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