Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sometimes you are overwhelmed... work. It was brutal today. 3 of us in my team, 1 had the day off, the other had to leave early, so for the last half of the day or so, I was alone. Apparently, it is too much work for just one person. I seriously could not keep up. I was barely closing one or two issues, and there was already 4 more assigned to the financial queue...I totally didn't get to "finish"(as if there was such a thing). I just had time to hit the urgent issues, and "high" priority ones. It was intense...

But after work, went to Occupy EP since Geli and Mari took the bus there to go to the march. Then we caught part of the General Assembly meeting at occupy, then went to go feed the migrant workers, then home, and watched a movie.