Monday, November 21, 2011

Sometimes you find a giant lime.... the grocery store! Well, not a lime at all, but that is what it looks like to me. It is a Pomelo!!! The largest citrus fruit in the world!

Lime, Orange, Pomelo!
We haven't eaten it yet, but when we do, I will update you on how it tasted.

And we also found something that was totally unexpected, and super awesome...Honeycrisp apples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea they sold them here in El Paso, but I found them at Sprouts in the west side!

They don't look like much,just normal looking apples. But they are the best apples ever! No contest, these apples have the perfect combination of crisp, sweet, tart, and sweetness. No other apple even comes close. We discovered these in Milwaukee, and all other apples suck now because of these. I will buy more as soon as I can, cuz seriously, these are awesome. I know it is hard to imagine so much excitement about an apple, but you just have to try these, they are the best apples ever, by far!


  1. oh yes, it feels good to have honeycrisp apples back in my life!

  2. Honeycrisp apples? I haven't heard of them before

  3. @Sergio - I hope there are still some here so you can have one!
