Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sometimes you get called an ass... a client. And it was totally uncalled for. I was not even mean to her. This client emailed us, and it looked like this:

To: Help
Subject: Payroll doesn't work!!!!!!!!!


So I called back. They had an attitude to begin with "Took you long enough to call me!" she said. I asked for more information, since well, the email had none. Apparently, this user expected me to not only know what the issue was, but already have it fixed by the time I called, so my probing for information bothered her. After shadowing, it turned out to be that they had signed off on the pay period they were trying to edit. They did this(accidentally, I am sure), and you cannot edit a closed time card. So I let her know why she couldn't edit it, and she proceeded to say that I was telling her "how to do her job" and that I was being an "ass". I promise I wasn't, but apparently, being showed that she made a mistake was too much for her. She then said I was wrong, and when I showed her where her username, date and time of sign off were, she was not pleased to say the least. She accused me of saying she was a liar. She then asked me for my name, and when I told her, she didn't believe me. How can anyone's name be "Jesus", and "what kind of name is that?" she said. So I showed her how to remove the approval, and she was now able to edit her timecards.

And after all that, she had the audacity to call back, ask for a supervisor, and complain about me. She was being totally unprofessional(calling me an ass and making fun of my name do not exactly fall under acceptable workplace behavior), and then called to complain about me fixing her problem...unbelievable.

So yeah, another day at the help desk.  But at least a 4 day weekend!!! w00t!!!

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