Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sometimes you go to UTEP...

..to watch a documentary. I expected it to be in some classroom with a projector on a white wall or something like that. And these guys have a cinema at the union!! The only thing missing was the popcorn. It was a documentary called "This is what democracy looks like". It was pretty cool, interesting for sure. Just kinda saddened me that the corps, the people at the top, always win...this was in 1999. A global movement, very similar to the occupy movement, against globalization, greed, exporting of jobs, for worker rights, against the World Trade Organization...and well, we can see how much that slowed down globalization and corporate greed...

I really hope this movement is better, more effective. Because yeah...that last one didn't work.

1 comment:

  1. i dont know, seeing so many people that cared gave me hope
