Monday, August 8, 2011

Sometimes you encounter an oxymoron....

Ramen is not nutritious. But can you make it nutritious?!

Nutritious Ramen?!

You could say, we really try! We add tons of extras. Starting with fresh spinach, which we let it wilt with the boiling water from the kettle (That's another thing: no microwave. But that will be another post). Then add mixed vegetables, which include broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, corn, peas, and cauliflower. Then we also add fried tofu, beans, or garbanzos. Then we add curry powder, cayenne powder, and/or jalapeƱo juice. It makes for some truly awesome ramen!

Sophie of course still has her mandatory lunch of avocado and tofu sandwich, which now she enjoys with some cucumber, and occasionally, tomato.

Random picture of the day:

Marketing at its finest!
One of my favorite fortune cookie "fortunes"! Now that is a true business person that doensn't mess around! haha


  1. I feel like this post is meant for me and how to be more healthy lol.

  2. did you know that eating vegetables cooked compared to raw loses most of all its nutritional value? =) yes. i am smart. =)

  3. @paco i wouldn't say most, by far, and some other nutritional values are activated by being cooked, so eat both cooked and raw and you are good :)

  4. @paco - eating RAW vegetables has many benefits. And if you were to only eat them one way, raw is probably better. Also, there is cooking, and then there is boiling your vegetables to death haha but yeah, vegetables p0wn! bam!

  5. oh, maybe because I changed the title haha like you told me to! lol
