Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sometimes you need Vitamin T...

...which is of course Tortillas. Vitamin T is essential! And I have been craving it so so bad lately...There are actually 2 main forms of this vitamin:

Vitamin T1: Corn tortillas!!!
Vitamin T2: Flour tortillas!

And well, they sell some Vitamin T2 here, so here is what I did:

Hummus + spinach + cucumber + tomato + avocado(not shown)

It was awesome, and I forgot to take the pic with the aguacate, which also went in there. But seriously, you need both forms of Vitamin T, and I haven't had Vitamin T1 in ages!!! Waaaay longer that in advisable by any medical professional. The consequences are dire for such severe deficiencies....


  1. Hahahahahahaha, tortillas are indeed awesome :), not with aguacate thouh, lol, ok, ok, I'll give it a rest :P

  2. LOL, vitamin T, I remember the T diet :P, tortillas, tacos, tostadas, tortas, etc.
