Monday, August 8, 2011

Sometimes you plant beans in a shoe...

...because of Wall-E. Sophie really likes that movie(and so do I), and she wanted a "plant in the shoe" like in the movie.

If you haven't seen Wall-E, check it out. Plenty of social commentary, and very entertaining for adults, despite being a kid's movie. Sophie's boots were old now, had holes in them, and were tight on her. So I thought it was perfect to try and grow some beans in the boots! I don't know if it is going to work, since I used garbanzo beans, but hey, all beans should sprout, right? This is day 1 of Wall-E "Plant in the shoe" project for Sophie:

And also, we made this amazing couscous stir fry! It has some veggie sausages and "mock duck"(seitan) strips in there, with some onions, garlic, roasted red and yellow peppers, and mushrooms. So so good!


  1. hahah the things you do for a kid....and yeah, food was awesome! :)

  2. dude! that's too awesome! the shoe, haha

  3. WALL-E I love that movie, well almost everything from Pixar :), and the project with the shoe is awesome. And as always the food looks pretty good.

  4. OHh, i should've probably read this before asking what was the shoe thingy. But aww dude that's adorable!!
    Also, did you guys make the mock meat? or buy it?

  5. @Mari - lol yes, you should have! And na, we found "Mock Duck" at a store, and we got it to try it. It is just seitan...
