Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sometimes your daughter tells you not to lick balls... lick a lollipop instead. I am not even joking. That is what she has been telling me today, for two reasons.
   1) I am wearing this "Jesus" shirt from The Big Lebowski.
   2) She really thinks that is me on the shirt, and that I am licking a red ball.

She cannot understand why I would want to lick a red ball. Clearly, I should be licking a lollipop instead. She has even gone as far as telling me that if I keep licking red balls, I am going to go to the "chair"(where we send her instead of the "corner." So yeah, this is the kind of abuse I have to take from my four year old whenever I wear this shirt...


  1. lol, that is pretty hilarious, hahaha. And if she could read she could see that it actually says Jesus on the shirt haha

  2. haha you're totally her monkey...

  3. Owned by a little kid, not cool :P

  4. LOL! She's hilarious and adorable!

  5. LMAO! I love this! You should record her tell you not to wear it and post that on youtube! Wayy to freaking cute! =)

  6. @Paco - I will try that next time I wear it!
