Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sometimes you find chips on a Sunday...

The chips shop is usually closed on Sunday, for some reason. And I went grocery shopping today by myself, Geli was feeling lazy, and Sophie was too. Sophie didn't even wan to go to the park! Anyway, on my way out to get groceries, Geli asked me to get some chips on the way back. I told her I couldn't cuz the shop is closed on sundays. But I had a plan...

I went to another one, same chain(I think), so I expected it to be closed, but it wasn't. So I surprised them with chips when I got home.

Then we ate dinner. Chana Massala(probably misspelled that!), an Indian dish with chickpeas, zucchini, tomatoes, and a lot of spices lol and it is fantastic!!!

Photo by Geli :)


  1. Awww, how cute! What a nice surprise lol. And wtf, Sophie didn't wanna go to the park?! I remember when I was over there she would ALWAYS wanna go to the park and once there she wouldn't wanna leave. lol

  2. @mari - yeah, she usually doesn't, but this sunday, neither wanted to go anywhere.

  3. yeah, that was an awesome surprise :D

  4. :/ I was hoping that your plan involved a spy kit. But well, you got the job done :P
