Monday, August 29, 2011

Sometimes traveling hurts...

...your entire body! I am still sore from the trip. Everything hurts. My left foot just gave out on saturday sometime. I didn't hurt it or anything, just like if the muscle was so overworked, it hurt. Hard to explain, but it hurt to the point of limping. And my arms and shoulders are super sore, but for that I have Sophie to blame. She was super lazy and didn't want to walk anywhere, and was being difficult, so we had to carry her a lot...even taking turns it was too much. She's way too big now to be carried....

So yeah, we didn't blog for 2 days! 1st day, there was difficulties at the hotel lol. It was in a different building than reception, and we didn't ask if there was a key, and we were exhausted and promptly crashed out. Same on the second day, except we just got home late...

More details when we blog about it. And the pics, well, it takes a while to process 500 pics lol

so meanwhile, here is a screenshot of Big Ben, one of the landmarks in London :)


  1. Ahh that sucks about your foot and Sophie. :( DId you guys still have fun?! Yay, can't wait for the pics!

  2. D: that sucks, but at least it was fun :), and yay lots of pictures :P
