Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sometimes time flies...

Well, I had this long post, and then somehow "Ctrl + Z" undid the entire post, then auto-saved...and I couldn't "redo" so yay lol

I was just saying that I don't know where time goes. So I haven't had time to post. And that yesterday I took Sophie to a birthday party. She had tons of fun. It gets absolutely crazy with a house full of sugared up six year old kids.

Also, as expected, we didn't get the house, despite offering $21K over asking price. I expected to not get it, but it is still a bummer. The location was spectacular, and we are almost surely not going to get another shot at such a good location. Oh well...all we could do is try.

I am also very excited about this show we are going to on Saturday. It is this "local" band from Tacoma, WA. Lo' There Do I See My Brother. I really really like them. Definitely looking forward to it. Tons of pics from the show to follow, since it is a low-key show, cameras should be a non-issue.

If you dig, here's a whole set from them(Skip like the first minute or so, they're just talking about the venue):

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