Saturday, May 25, 2013

Sometimes your day is nuts...

So I haven't been posting, sorry about that. I don't know where time goes, but lately it seems like I am living my life on fast forward. I'll try to make it more of a regular thing. So some things have happened. We went out last week to the Lo' There Do I See My Brother show, and it was very cool overall. The venue was very interesting. Some very cool art, also a coffee house with some food for sale as well. And a bar. And a weird merch store. And they have shows too, so it's this one giant room with all that in there. The first bands were pretty bad, or at least not my taste in music at all. The sound was pretty bad, they had a very small PA. But Lo' There Do I See My Brother plays mostly instrumental, so it still sounded very good when they played. To my surprise, a lot of new songs, so I didn't know many of them, because they only have the 1 album out. It was really cool though. We took the bus there and back to the apartment.

Today was kind of nuts. I worked a half day, rented a car for 2 hours to to take the 70-417 exam, and went to go take it. I have pics for all these things, but that will have to wait. No time to process them right now(how many times have I said this? lol). The exam was 3 parts, since this is an update to Server 2012(if you didn't have the MCSA Server 2008, it is 3 exams to get the MCSA Server 2012). You had to pass all 3 parts to get it. So even if I passed overall, I would still fail if I didn't pass one section. But I did very well, so now I also have the MCSA: Windows Server 2012! w00t :D

So I drove there because there's no testing centers in Portland(wtf?!), so I drove to Beaverton about 15 miles for this. If I take the bus it takes like 90 minutes each way, plus the time for the exam, it becomes a whole day ordeal. Like this, in two hours I am done(25-30 mins road time each way, and an hour for the exam). Then I get back home, order chinese(I have a serious problem with that -_-), start cleaning the apartment, go get Sophie, keep cleaning, then meet Geli at Food Fight for taco night! Vegan taco bell style tacos! A taco inside a taco(flour tortilla + beans + crunchy taco inside w/tvp or soyrizo, vegan sour cream, vegan, cheeze, lettuce + tomato)!!! It was super awesome! There was also a line around the whole store for this, took like 45 minutes in line to get one haha. Also had a vegan smore, and a vegan chocolate chip ice cream sandwich! Then biked back to the apt, finished cleaning. The sitter was supposed to get here at 9pm, and I assumed she remembered, but she had not. I texted her at 9:15 to see if she was close by, and she had forgotten. I thought I was not gonna get to see Keith Lowell Jensen, and I was bummed out. All that cleaning for nothing lol. But I came up with an idea, rent a zipcar, get there quickly, and we would have enough time still. So I called her back, told her to pick up Sophie at the comedy club, and come back to our apartment lol. Not conventional, I know, but I didn't want to miss this. I had already bought tickets($8!), and I really liked this comedian. So in the end, it all worked out, but it was a crazy day.

All in all, today I worked, rented a car, I got a windows server certification, cleaned the apt, stood in like for almost an hour for tacos, ate said vegan tacos inside of other tacos, smores, and cookie ice cream sandwich, failed at reminding the babysitter about the comedy show, then schemed a plan to make it work, rented the same car again, saw a comedy show, and then wrote this super long post....yeah, pretty crazy day.

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