Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sometimes you finish the week....

This was a brutal week . Glad it is over. Now, to try to refuel. Tomorrow we go see 2 houses. Pretty excited, although I know I shouldn't be. One of them is at the perfect location, and at a good price. Which either means it will be in poor state, or we will be in a bidding war with 5+ people.

We watched Fargo. I really enjoy the way the Coen brothers write movies. The dialogue is great. Very funny.

Also, Geli answered a call from Lisa, which could mean hours on the phone haha So I don't know why, I thought I would check if people still play Warcraft 3. I logged on expecting a graveyard, and I was pleasantly surprised otherwise. People still play a game that is like 12+ years old!! That's when you know it is a damn good game! 12 years in PC games is an eternity! And not only that, it was super fast to search for games, so lots of people are still playing it. Kinda odd, but cool. Still one of my favorite games of all time.

I kind of still have it in me, cuz we won, and I helped out pretty well(ranked 2nd overall in the whole game out of the 6 players, and red was useless. Level 24 my ass haha). Rifles/Priests ftw!! It is mostly nostalgia for me with this game. It reminds me of simpler times. Even before my music adventures. 

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