Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sometimes you work a lot...

Today I am drained. Work was very tiresome today. And on top of that, I might have to answer to my boss tomorrow for not getting enough "closes" today. I can't wait until I am in another role where I am not judged on statistics and numbers. The days I work the hardest are the days I get the least closes, because those are the days I work the hardest issues, that take up the most time, and many times they aren't fixed right away. You would think our bosses would understand that. But instead, I might have to explain why...

I also realized that from the moment I get up(5:45am), to right now(9pm), I have been pretty much working the whole time. Eso, no es de dios...haha I love that phrase, I don't even know why.

But this is my day:

I wake up, make and pack Sophie's breakfast and snack #1 and 2. Pack her lunch, get ready myself, take Sophie to school, run back home, work, lunch, work, go get Sophie, make dinner, do her Spanish lesson with her, eat, shower her, pick up the kitchen more or less(put away the leftovers), prepare tomorrow's lunches with Geli and finally...stop....needless to say, I am very tired. I need some vacations, and we barely started this routine 2 weeks ago haha

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