Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sometimes you take a quiz...

I read a post by the Bad Astronomer(Phil Plait) regarding some science and religion quizzes by the Pew Research Group testing general science and religion knowledge. The quizzes themselves are pretty basic, short, and easy. Here are the 2 quizzes:
They're like  13 and 15 questions each. And you can get through it pretty fast. I missed one on the science quiz(that I knew, but was in a hurry answering). But what is sad is that these are all really easy, basic science. And 63% of the public failed it. 
The religion one, well, a little less important, but still telling. People don't really look into these things at all...and as bad as people did in the science one, they did even worse in the religion one. 

This I just found to be funny. Hispanic catholics did the worst on the religion quiz out of all groups. Having grown up amongst them, I am not surprised at all!

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