Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sometimes you see Saturn...

Tonight we had some clear skies here in Portland! w00t! :D

So I took a few minutes to step outside and look up. Saw some familiar constellations. It was nice seeing the night sky, even if just from here in a light polluted major metro area. I could still make out major constellations(Big dipper, little dipper, Scorpius, Virgo, Bootes, to name a few). But I went out for Saturn, and that's what I saw :) It was great. Still a great looking as ever. Super easy to find.

On the down side, my telescope needs some maintenance or something. It looks okay, but something is off. I feel like there's a haze/slight blur to the image. Like if I could never really focus is at well as I feel I should be able to. I will take a look at it tomorrow during the day and clean it up, see if that helps. Else, I will need to look and see if someone can take a look at it locally, which I doubt. It was used and $80, so really, the fact that it even "works" well enough to see the planets and the moon is getting my money's worth I guess.

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