Monday, October 13, 2014

Sometimes eating is a balanced equation...

Here are some random phone pics from the last few days.

Sophie eating a cookie sandwich the size of her face!

Vegan croissant! 

wedding cookie! 


Red and black cafe! (Vegan anarchist cafe and community space!)

Wiggles and Sophie :) 

This is what our porch looks like at the moment...
 So about the balanced equation, here is what I mean. I know the picture is horrible, but basically what happens is that these guinea pigs eat, and as they are eating, they are pooping. As if the equation must be balanced. What goes in one side, must come out the other, instantly. No buffer lol

Pooping while eating. The guinea pig way. 


  1. Is that your collection or Sophie's? :P
    I mean, if I had more money to spare... I would have a collection of Adventure Time or something like that... probably action figures of each Doctor too :P

  2. BTW... that cookie... it calls me... I need one :P
