Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sometimes you bike around...

So since I am trying to run on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, then biking on Tuesdays and Thursdays today I went on a long-ish bike ride. Not sure how many miles, because my tracker thingy on my phone decided to stop counting. But probably around 12 miles. It was an awesome morning, and I took some pictures on the way. There's some beautiful views on this little route I took:

Geli's best friends!

Since I was close by, I stopped by Geli's work to say hi to her. She suggested I get breakfast at DC Vegetarian, and I could not turn that down.

Geli is the just inside the glass doors if you look closely enough haha

A "sausage", "egg" and "cheese" sandwich! So full of win!

A "bacon", "egg" and "cheese" sandwich! So full of win again! 
So yeah, I should be doing something similar on Thursday...


  1. What does that sandwich contain? I... must... have... it :P
    What is the yellow thing? Is it tofu?

    1. The "egg" is a seasoned slice of tofu.
      The "cheese" is just a vegan cheese, which is awesome.
      The "sausage" is seitan based, so wheat gluten.
      The "bacon" is smoked/seasoned tempeh(fermented soybeans that make a firm patty).
      It also had avocado, vegan mayo, and tomato.

  2. That yellow thing is definitely seasoned, sautéed tofu. Nice ride!

  3. Oh we should have gone there while i was there! >.< looks so good!
